Monday, December 15, 2008

`There was a word in the beginning...`

Always there is a beginning for everything,just like every other thing in my happend,happening in life,this one too has the same trouble with its start.I m lil coonfused,na,i can`t be said so..ya,void...`void` is the right word!I`m void in head of the many things,this `start` deserves.This can`t take the honour of the `words at the beginning` of any great,polished life to be posted.But still it always `ll `ve a life,behind it..a real `my life at times`

I believe that words written could say more emotions of me,naked,more i say,than they are said.
i ain`t no writer,I`ve less been into writing,else it was my scribbling.I had done that pretty alot,in many places where it could rest peacefully,harming nobody,intruding no lives.
Some(many,most!!) of them where really hopeless, which may have been possibly the next best thing(may be better!)to cyanide for those poor souls who had just tried reading them.
Even this could be the big daddy of them!

Right now i `m not into saying much about the `abouts` of the individual i m..(That`s on the way ..!)...not about the inspiration i got for this... or what could be here lateron in here...
But i say expect anything mad,crazy that could possibly come out of a normal mediocre head.
And anything `nuts` that happens to me,is happening to me,or around me ..


  1. So finaly u admit der is some void space in ur brain!

  2. dis is wat real "nuts" is all about..hw can ppl go messing with stupidity dis badly...(JK)

  3. dis is wat real "nmuts" is all can ppl go messing with stupidity so badly...(JK)

  4. what a stupidity that i am living in the past ...looking around with a little eye.. with very little insight about the genious around...and a dumb with out listening ...
    letz play with stupidity....there is no classic with out stupidity...


Say what you really felt,about it?I like genuine emotions..:)